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You can help us transform kids' lives

Imagine a child completing physical therapy and taking her first step. Think of the boy who is averse to most foods and is finally able to have a snack with his classmates. Consider the teen who was contemplating suicide but now finds joy and purpose. Your gift helps Connecticut Children’s address the immediate medical, social and emotional needs of children.

Explore Your Impact

Every day, incredible things happen at Connecticut Children's because of the support we receive from generous individuals and organizations. Check out just a few of the things donors recently made possible.

Hand holding a baby's hand.


Charity Care provided to families unable to pay for their child’s medical expenses

Abby holding microscope


Oncology clinical trials to give kids with cancer and blood disorders new treatment options

Patient and doctor in an exam room with masks on.


Staff trained in Trauma-Informed Care to care better for children and each other

Connecticut Children’s provides care at 41 locations in more than 20 towns across three states.


See What Your Gifts Can Do


Provide physician-researchers resources to push wide the doors of discovery and find new treatments.


Give infants, children and young adults more chances for a healthy future.


Improve access through virtual health care and close-to-home services.

From the tiniest babies fighting for their lives in the NICU to children battling cancer and teens suffering a behavioral health crisis, donor support helps us advance and deliver world-class pediatric care every day.

Paulanne Jushkevich, President, Connecticut Children’s Foundation, Inc.

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