Connecticut Children’s stands with families, even after their child passes away.
James and Adrienne Panning are among a community of families who have heard the life-altering words, ‘Your child is not going to make it.’
Olive Panning was born on October 18, 2016. While her parents, Adrienne and James, knew she would be born with a heart defect, nothing could have prepared them for the myriad other ailments Olive faced. Immediately after birth, she dealt with an array of cardiac and respiratory issues, including pulmonary hypertension, which made it hard for blood to get though her lungs and oxygenized to distribute to her body. She also suffered from a pulmonary sling, where her left pulmonary artery had split off and looped around her esophagus causing pressure to the area and severe respiratory distress. Trying to get to the root cause of these issues, Olive and her parents underwent genetic testing which revealed she has a rare chromosomal abnormality known as Unbalanced Translocation, a major contributor to neurodevelopmental disorders. Olive had an extra part of Chromosome 4 and was missing part of Chromosome 18.