Bethany expected a problem when she was pregnant with her second daughter, Jordyn. Her older daughter had been born with a heart issue and is a patient of pediatric cardiologist Olga Toro-Salazar, MD. Care at Connecticut Children’s Heart Center begins before birth – so her pediatric cardiology team recommended screening Jordyn in utero in order to arrange a safe delivery, and then again after birth. Halfway through the pregnancy, baby Jordyn’s heart was functioning well. And when she was born, on June 23, 2011, it seemed that she was, in fact, a healthy baby. The doctors heard a slight heart murmur shortly after birth, but otherwise she did very well and was discharged home. A couple of days later, Bethany brought Jordyn in for her first checkup. This time, the doctors heard something much more concerning. They discovered she had pulmonary stenosis: The valve controlling blood flow to her lungs was not opening wide enough. They immediately brought Jordyn to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and scheduled her surgery for the next morning.
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