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Michael’s start in life was very rough. The odds were stacked against him, but his little body fought relentlessly to overcome significant health challenges—and he has made a remarkable recovery. We are honored to announce he will represent Connecticut Children's as our local, 2023 Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Champion.

Please join us in celebrating Michael’s tenacity, sweet nature and genuine joy for life.

A reminder that anything is possible.

Born at 27 weeks and weighing just over 2 pounds, Michael was immediately transferred to Connecticut Children’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Hartford, where highly skilled neonatologists care for premature and critically ill newborns from across the region. Within 24 hours, he had bleeding in his lungs, and he coded. The medical staff at the NICU revived him, but the crises weren’t over.

Michael framed by hands held in the shape of a heart while in the NICU.

Michael had a hole in his heart.

He didn’t respond to medications and a few days later, he coded again. The doctors revived him and then scheduled him for surgery to close the hole, and that surgery did the trick. Michael recovered quickly and began doing very well. But his troubles still weren’t over: His brain had hemorrhaged when he coded, and he developed hydrocephaly (water on the brain) as a result. That required fluid to be drained every day. Finally, after 98 days in the NICU and heroic efforts by his doctors, Michael was cleared to go home for the first time.

Today, Michael is an eager and energetic 7-year-old who loves to learn and is wild about soccer, Leo Messi and playing FiFa. While Michael mainly gets around in a wheelchair, he has started to walk this year with a walker and continues receiving care from physical and occupational therapy to help improve minor cognitive delays. He is doing incredibly well, overall, and has a great sense of humor.

“Those doctors saved my son’s life; it’s as simple as that,” his mother, Amannda, says.

Michael | 2023 Connecticut Children's CMNH Champion

As our 2023 Champion, Michael will help raise awareness throughout the year for Connecticut Children’s, your local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals member. Michael, and other Champions from across the country, serve important roles as ambassadors. Champions and their families, encourage and motivate local CMN partners by sharing their stories during fundraising campaigns and events. These kids are living proof of the importance of advocating for the charitable needs of children’s hospitals, and they are giving back the best way they know how: by inspiring a growing community of change makers.

137,737 kids are cared for each year at Connecticut Children’s.

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