An inoperable brain tumor—and a big heart
Emma was nearly two years old and still not walking. Her pediatrician referred her to Connecticut’s Birth to Three program, where she was diagnosed with a gross motor delay and prescribed physical therapy. She eventually began walking and aged out of Birth to Three, but she continued to have gross motor challenges. When x-rays determined that her bones and joints were fine, her parents took her to neurologist William Graf, MD, at Connecticut Children’s Specialty Care Center in Westport.
“He was the first who told us that she had an abnormally large head size, which you would never know because she has beautiful blonde hair,” said her mother, Kate. “When you look at her, you don’t think, ‘Wow, she has a big head.’” Dr. Graf also noticed that Emma had café au lait spots, light brown pigmented patches on her skin. Based on these signs, he recommended genetic testing.