Visit the Walmart stores in East Windsor, Rocky Hill and Cromwell to say hello to the Connecticut State Police Troopers, Aetna Ambulance and Ambulance Service of Manchester as they collect toys and monetary donations for Connecticut Children's. To donate online or purchase a toy from Connecticut Children's wish list this holiday season, please visit our website.
The Cromwell location will only be open SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM.

Most Needed Toys
All items must be brand new & recently purchased, unwrapped, latex-free and compliant with our safety and infection control guidelines.
- Fleece Blankets
- Stuffed Animals
- Card Games (Uno, Monopoly Deal, Sushi Go, Phase 10, etc.)
- Play-doh (multi-packs and kits)
- Superhero Action Figures
- Barbies
- Infant toys
- Animal/Character Figurines (dinosaurs, farm animals, etc.)
- LEGOS (small kits)
- Coloring books (including teen coloring books) and Sticker-By-Number books
- Matchbox Cars