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Expert Care for 144,000+ patients

As the only freestanding health system in Connecticut that is 100% dedicated to kids, we never stop thinking about what children need to live their best, healthiest lives. Over the past year, your support empowered us to fill critical gaps in pediatric health care in the region. 

We opened the state’s first Medical Psychiatric Integrated Care Unit to help kids who need simultaneous medical and mental health care. Our new center to diagnose and treat primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare genetic disorder affecting the respiratory system, is also the first of its kind in Connecticut. We expanded one of our neonatal intensive care units to care for more critically ill infants. Our lifesaving Universal Suicide Screening Program identified thousands of kids who were at risk for suicide. And we became the first health system in the state to administer specific gene therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic disorder that affects 1 in 3,500 male births.

Transforming Care Through Research

160+ Clinical Trials

Clinical trials give patients access to the newest, most innovative treatments—and to hope when other treatments have not worked. Clinical trials also lead to new, more effective standards of care for future patients. We are proud to share that a new cancer clinical trial, which opened to patient enrollment in 2024, was developed right here at Connecticut Children’s. Based on research conducted by Dr. Ching Lau, the Martin J. Gavin Chair of Hematology and Oncology at Connecticut Children’s, this new trial is exploring the use of digoxin for patients with medulloblastoma, the most common childhood brain tumor. Thirty-four institutions across the United States are participating in the trial. 

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400+ Research Studies

From the neonatal biome to regenerative medicine, our physician-researchers are working to unlock medical mysteries and improve care for patients. But research isn’t paid for by insurance. In the United States, medical research is funded by investors, grants and forward-thinking donors. Here is a sampling of the more than 400 research studies currently underway at Connecticut Children’s:

Stem Cells

Neonatologist Hala Saneh, MD, and Surgeon-in-Chief Christine Finck, MD, are tapping into the unique power of stem cells to treat and prevent the most common complication in premature babies, chronic lung disease.


Hematologist/oncologist Joanna Gell, MD, is exploring the use of biomarkers (proteins shed by tumors) in cerebrospinal fluid as a non-invasive way to identify tumors.

Kidney Disease

Nephrologist Leonela Villegas, MD, MSCE, is using population health research to better understand why 1 in 8 children with chronic kidney disease are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days—and developing ways to help caregivers improve outcomes.

Syphilis Vaccine

Senior research scientist Kelly Hawley, PhD, is working to develop a vaccine that can prevent the thousands of miscarriages, stillbirths and newborn deaths caused by syphilis.

Spina Bifida

Neurosurgeon David Hersh, MD, is investigating ways to improve fetal surgical techniques for spina bifida and studying the feasibility of using surgical robots to repair an infant’s spine.

Every Dollar Makes a Difference

A toddler is seen by Audiology. She holds a distraction toy, provided by Child Life.


loaner hearing aids for children to use while theirs are being repaired

Patient is getting her vitals checked from our doctor


62 reusable blood pressure cuffs to take vitals, from our tiniest patients to teens

Our kids can go for a walk while still receiving crucial fluids and medicines


33 IV poles so kids can go for a walk while still receiving crucial fluids and medicines

Smiling baby


the 229,275 diapers Connecticut Children’s uses in one year


One medical grade crib to keep infants and toddlers safe while they’re inpatient


One EKG machine to capture key data about a patient’s heart

Make an Impact

Connecticut Children’s is a special place because people like you care enough to make it so. The Greatest Need Children’s Fund is the backbone of support for Connecticut Children’s. Every dollar is an investment in a child’s healthy future. 


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Dr. Saneh in her lab

Beyond Stem Cells: Can We Help Premature Babies Heal Their Own Lungs?

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A toddler is seen by Audiology. She holds a distraction toy, provided by Child Life.

When Hearing Hurts: Transforming Lives Through Sound

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